Senin, 14 November 2011

Cerpen 1

Beautiful Smile and Last 

Syla amila, that's the name of a friend who is always present in my life. I'm very familiar with Syla, he was the figure of the soul which I admire. He is always tough to face the ordeal hit him. A beautiful nyumannya can always melt my heart when I was advise him. The value of report cards is never red, and it was he who was awarded an intelligence by Al-Wahhab.

However, time for me to meet him in a conscious state of diminishing returns. Dangerous disease that has attacked him for years, making Syla more often in the space filled with the scent of drugs and Syla no longer perform the usual activities of children my age. Syla experienced disease has also been felt by her mother, who has long passed away to Rahmatullah.

Having moved away from the building where the learning process, I usually go with my best friend, Syla, I now own just down the road was clear.

I went home, changed clothes, and immediately headed to the supermarket to buy fruit. "CIO ..." came a voice greeted me from behind. When I turned around, looked tall male figure, was about five decades.
"Ehh ... Om Anton, buy fruit also huh? How Syla circumstances, what he already knew? "I asked insistently.
"Yes, uncle to buy fruit also Syla. Syla Alhamdullillah now already aware. CIOs want to see Syla, huh? "Said Om Anton as he asked back.
"Yes, Uncle."

"If so, with my aja om. Om is also going to the hospital, "the tasteless Om Anton.
"Iya Om, Om CIO Anton follow." I replied.

Before heading to the hospital, me and Uncle Anton led to a flower shop alive. I chose three stems of white orchids, and Om Anton chose a series of pink orchids. After paying the interest on which is selected, we headed straight to the hospital.

"Syla ..." I said as she hugged him longingly. Loneliness healed, my lips which had been flat since ulanganku values are below the standard, becomes an arch or rather into a smile.

"Syl ... yes you a speedy recovery. I miss the times with you several years ago. Silence. That's what I feel for this, Syl ... "I said after the hug, his eyes filled with tears.

"You do not worry I'll get well, yes, right, Dad?" She replied with a friendly smile, then turned toward his father.
Om Anton just nodded and agreed that wayang mere child's utterance. Om Anton always look sad when he looked at Syla. Although Syla said like that, I still worry about him. He always cover the truth always tormented him.

Day in and day out. Syla state as if nothing could be saved. The blood that comes out of his nose more often and more and more out in vain. My heart is even more poignant, especially Uncle Anton, he was afraid of losing her little girl who will even-numbered fourteen.

As usual, this day I will go to the hospital. Huh ... this afternoon the sun shone with as she pleased, she seemed to have the heart burn the skin of living beings which only have smth. As an umbrella sky.

Arriving at the hospital, I saw Syla like a helpless creature, nose, mouth and ears bleed which was constantly flowing. Doctors and nurses tried to stop the blood flowing. My heart is bitter. Kuasaku not resist this crying, as well as Om Anton who was constantly prayed to God. Syla's lips seemed to say something, but it was difficult for him to move it, just crying that can be done Syla. After that I saw the most beautiful smile from her lips.

Before long it lasts, breathing, and heartbeat stopped Syla. God has willed. The most feared by Anton Om finally happened. Brightly colored sky turned gray, crystalline drops falling from the sky.
"Sylaaaa ..." I shouted in unison with his thunder that seemed sorry with me, and Uncle Sam. Syla has followed his mother. "Syla ... goodbye, someday I'll be there and meet you."

Saturday, February fourteenth. I went to the florist of life, this time I bought a series of orchid flowers. Then go to the TPU to visit the tomb of my dear friend, Syla. Not hard for me to find the tomb Syla, only a few yards from the gates of TPU. From the gate I saw someone was in the tomb Syla. I noticed the man. Moments later, he stood up and moved from the tomb Syla.

I will continue my journey to the grave Syla. We passed turned out this man is Om Anton. He greeted me and smiled, then he told me that Syla here. I was surprised, maybe Uncle Anton was joking. I just smiled, and walked toward the tomb Syla.

I put a series of orchid that I bought earlier in the tomb Syla. I say happy birthday and congratulations on the day of love Syla. And I looked at the gravestone where my best friend's name immortalized.

Suddenly looked a shadow in front of me or rather someone. Similar to my friend's face, he smiled at me. That smile reminded me of the last smile Syla. Get even with that smile, he immediately disappeared.
Could it Syla ....?

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